
| GuestBlogging | Book Review | The Mahabharata | Indian based Mythology | Indian Regional Language – Sanskrit |

Imagine a prompt which let’s you talk about an Indian based mythology story, written originally in an Indian Language (Sanskrit)! Thanks to Shalini @ shalmojo.in for this interesting one – I didn’t realise I had such hidden opinions about it, until I wrote the following. The Mahabharata, which is one of the two major Sanskrit epics… Read More | GuestBlogging | Book Review | The Mahabharata | Indian based Mythology | Indian Regional Language – Sanskrit |

Books, Guestblog

| GuestBlogging | Book Review | The Revenue Stamp | Amrita Pritam | Indian Regional Language |

Title: THE REVENUE STAMP Introduction: THE REVENUE STAMP is the autobiography of the famous poet, novelist and short story writer, Amrita Pritam. Explosive in its revelations and poetic in its content, the book is a candid account of her extraordinary life. She reflects on her full and creative journey of life—her uneasy relationship with her… Read More | GuestBlogging | Book Review | The Revenue Stamp | Amrita Pritam | Indian Regional Language |

AtoZ, Blog Challenge, Travel

[ Theme Reveal ] Peregrination Chronicles | #atozchallenge 2017 |

As January rolled in, I got caught up in the AtoZ challenge 2017 brouhaha. I was determined not to miss it this year but when I sat down to mull over what I wanted to write; I drew blanks. Panicked, I reached out to fellow bloggers; veterans and virgins alike. A few days of furious… Read More [ Theme Reveal ] Peregrination Chronicles | #atozchallenge 2017 |

Blog Challenge, TLC

#ThankfulThursdays | 5 Beauty Products I am Thankful for |

I remember being fascinated with my Mom’s beauty valise – a vanity case which was like a treasure trove of colourful pots and jars of lotions, potions and paints. Her dressing table was my playground as I would brush my hair and make endless twirls to preen in front of the large three-sided mirror. (I… Read More #ThankfulThursdays | 5 Beauty Products I am Thankful for |

Blog Challenge, TLC

#ThankfulThursday – My top five quirks that make me, Me!!!!

When I saw this prompt to express gratitude for five womanly quirks that I am thankful for, I grinned in sheer delight as this is so-me-kinda thing! So of course, I had to scribble out a few lines to satisfy the devil in me. So here goes folks, an uncut unabridged version of my fallacies,… Read More #ThankfulThursday – My top five quirks that make me, Me!!!!

Books, Guestblog

| GuestBlogging | Book Review | The Strange Library | Haruki Murakami | Book set in Japan/China/Turkey |

The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami For someone who loves books and visits to the library, the title was catching indeed. The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami is perhaps a lesser known work of the best-selling Japanese author. It was shelved in the library along with Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore, which I had initially… Read More | GuestBlogging | Book Review | The Strange Library | Haruki Murakami | Book set in Japan/China/Turkey |

Books, Guestblog

| GuestBlogging | Book Review | Honour | Elif Shafak | Book set in Japan/China/Turkey |

  Title: Honour Introduction: Elif Shafak’s ‘Honour’ is a gripping exploration of the darkest aspects of faith and love. She wrote Honour in English first before translating it into Turkish. Elif Shafak is a persistent writer. The publication of an earlier novel, The Bastard of Istanbul, saw her charged with insulting “Turkishness”. Her book, Honour,… Read More | GuestBlogging | Book Review | Honour | Elif Shafak | Book set in Japan/China/Turkey |


| 15 things that you can relate with if you are a Stationery Freak | Guestblogging |

“Stationery Freak” what is that? – You may ask. Well, we address someone in that title when he/she is obsessed with stationery- colored paper, notebook, pencil-case, pencils, pens, cute little post sticks, funky stapler, paperclip, journals, highlighter, paper file, sign pen and the list goes on. How can you tell if you are a stationery… Read More | 15 things that you can relate with if you are a Stationery Freak | Guestblogging |

Books, Guestblog

| Guestblogging | Comics | Who is Batman- the secret origin revealed | Writer-Devin K Grayson | Artists -Staz Johnson & James A Hodgkins |

Age is just a number, and when it comes to comics, I am very much a kid at heart. You will find me at Comic Con (event in Delhi) every year 🙂 I am a big fan of Batman – have always been… my love goes beyond the comic books.. to the kitchen – Lo… Read More | Guestblogging | Comics | Who is Batman- the secret origin revealed | Writer-Devin K Grayson | Artists -Staz Johnson & James A Hodgkins |

Books, Guestblog

| Guestblogging | Comics | The adventures of Asterix & Obelix | Albert Uderzo |

This is the post for my love of comics. If you have a ‘good’ childhood, you probably have an idea that comics means. I met my first comic when I was 9 year old. My ‘Aenglish’ was terrible. I used to pronounce I like that way.  A super rich relative’s kids who were fond of… Read More | Guestblogging | Comics | The adventures of Asterix & Obelix | Albert Uderzo |

Books, Guestblog

| Guestblogging | Comics | Shekar Kapur’s Devi | Saurav Mohapatra & Chandrasekhar |

Title: Shekar Kapur’s Devi Review: Tara Mehta was once human but when the spirit of a divine warrior fused with her, she turns Devi, a living goddess sworn to protect mankind from threats both criminal and supernatural. Now the girl-turned-goddess should protect one of her own as young woman claiming to be her long-lost sister… Read More | Guestblogging | Comics | Shekar Kapur’s Devi | Saurav Mohapatra & Chandrasekhar |

Blog Challenge, TLC

Envy: Not being in competition, makes you the competition!! | #MondayMusings |

“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. ” – Carrie Fisher I love this quote for it truly signifies not only what envy is but also how destructive it is! When we are covetous of someone’s success or something that they own; we forget to appreciate the hard work… Read More Envy: Not being in competition, makes you the competition!! | #MondayMusings |

Blog Challenge, TLC

| #ThankfulThursdays | Silent Gratitude |

 #ThankfulThursdays  The Latin word Gratus means thankful or pleasing and is generally attributed to be the source of the English word Gratitude. In our life there are many people and circumstances who/which can be credited for defining us. While growing up it’s our parents/ siblings/ educators who have taught us innumerable lessons, helped us patiently… Read More | #ThankfulThursdays | Silent Gratitude |

Books, Guestblog

| GuestBlogging | Book Review | Book2Movie | Me Before You | Jojo Moyes |

  I am a sucker for romance – I like reading romance fiction any day, any time – provided its good and not the cheezy ones. I like the ones that are fun filled, over the top, bubble gum romance and I also like the ones with pain and hurt – the ones that make… Read More | GuestBlogging | Book Review | Book2Movie | Me Before You | Jojo Moyes |

Books, Guestblog

| GuestBlogging | Book Review | Book2Movie | Kiterunner | Khalid Hosseini |

Guestblogging : Book Review THE KITE RUNNER: KHALED HOSSEINI I chanced upon this extraordinary piece of writing in Manila, over 11 years back at a very close family friend’s place who also doubled up as the 8-year-old’s and my guardians, when Alok was in India. Saikia Uncle Aunty were voracious readers, and their varied interests… Read More | GuestBlogging | Book Review | Book2Movie | Kiterunner | Khalid Hosseini |


#BookSlutThursday Week #5

#BookSlutThursday Week #5 Another week has set in and here we are with my week #5 posting for #BookSlutThursday. Check out my this week’s selection to read and play, all had been ordered to reach Bangalore where I am vacationing at present. Twenty Love Poems & a Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda was bought… Read More #BookSlutThursday Week #5

Books, Guestblog

| GuestBlogging | Book Review | Book2Movie | Inferno | Dan Brown |

Title: Inferno Introduction: Inferno begins with the readers being reintroduced to the same protagonist who was part of the author’s previous two novels entitled The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol. This protagonist, Robert Langdon, is all set to be a part of this new and intriguing thriller as well. From what Robert is… Read More | GuestBlogging | Book Review | Book2Movie | Inferno | Dan Brown |