AtoZ, Blog Challenge, Books

Ogle-5 gorgeous book covers that enticed me


Ogle – stare or look at, especially with amorous intentions. Sharing 5 gorgeous book covers that made me covet the book based on its looks.

I am a self-confessed book hoarder. In this day and age when minimalism seems to be the need of the hour, my bookshelves are bursting to the seams. Blame it on the beautiful covers publishing houses come up with. Add the illustrated maps within, sprayed edges, and embossed hardbound covers, and I have a very expensive hobby. I can’t just resist picking up beautiful-looking books. The hardbound books on my shelf are my pride and joy. Even when the book doesn’t work, if it’s hardbound or has a gorgeous cover, it gets prominence on my bookshelf.

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The Betrayals by Bridget Collins

This book came in its own jacket cover which is a deep burgundy in color. There were also some gorgeous bookmarks that accompanied the book. All in all, I was totally hooked with the outer packaging of this one and bought it without a peek inside. And yes it’s still unread even after 3 years of purchase!!

The Girl who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill

This book was also picked purely for its looks when I was browsing this quirky bookstore in Gurgaon one winter afternoon. I swear the book store browsing is the bane of my bank account! The cover has some beautiful graphic imagery and the title is also very endearing. After perusing the book blurb a little, I decided to buy it. The book was a delight to read and is still quite the queen of my bookshelf 🙂

The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

I am a huge fan of fantasy fiction and when I saw the cover of this book plus the gold sprayed edges, I was mesmerized. Despite the high price tag, as it was a newly released book, I bought it on an impulse and didn’t regret it at all. This is a stunner of a book and now I am dying to get my hand on it’s sequel. Anyone gifting it to me ;-)?

The Beauty that Remains by Ashley Woodfolk

This book was profiled on a bookstagrammar’s account and I fell hook, line, and sinker for its stupendously designed cover. It remained stick in my head and when I spotted in on Audible, I downloaded the audiobook. Reading it proved to be quite a challenge and I have abandoned it for now 🙁

The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin

This is another book that I saw on bookstaverse and downloaded from audible. The cover is just so winsomely and the graphics are gorgeous. The blurb is pretty interesting and I am hoping this one is as good as it looks.

I could share another 20 books from my shelf which were bought for their ogle-worthiness only. All of them are posed on my shelf with much love and adulation.

Do you have such books on your shelf? Share books you might have bought for their fabulous covers? Please do leave your thoughts in the comments below. And if you are stopping by from A to Z, please do leave your blog links as well.

Coming up tomorrow P for Portmanteaus!

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For the uninitiated, AtoZ challenge is a blogging challenge wherein one has to write on every alphabet from A to Z and post on all days of April, except Sundays. Usually its better to devise a theme as it makes it easy to write the posts. Plus readers have a reason to stay hooked too.

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4 thoughts on “Ogle-5 gorgeous book covers that enticed me

    1. That is the “sensible” way of buying books. I am such a sucker for a pretty face that…………………………………….

  1. I love embossed covers and gold leafing. They are book candy! I have a beautiful set of leather-bound Shakespearean works with hand tipped illustrations from the 1800s that are prettily sitting on one of my book shelves tgat I bought purely for their beauty value. 🙂

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