Hello my dear readers. I have been delighted by your response to the little #Bookstagram play I and Soumya decided on for this December. Thank you for being such active and sporty followers. Its encouraged us to announce our very own reading challenge for the year 2020.
Drrrrrrrum rolls………………………….. Presenting the TBR challenge 2020!!!
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I dont know about you but I have a mound of unread books that grows every month, unchecked and unread. Its such a temptation to keep buying new books and adding to the TBR. I mean have you seen the book recommendations on the #Decbooklove? I have added 20 books so far to my Amazon wish list from it and now the TBR looks impossible to achieve. On top of that I got lots of books as gifts courtesy the Secret Santa and some awesome friends.
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So to get cracking on the TBR, we decided to a challenge that helps us to tackle books from our TBR in 2020 and read at least 24 books from it.
Sounds like fun?
So lets begin by taking a look at the prompts, rules and the prizes.
Prompts for the TBR challenge 2020
- A book from a genre you generally avoid
- A book that’s a part of a series
- A book you started but never finished
- A book by an author you have been meaning to read but haven’t dared to so far
- A book written 100 years ago / Classic
- A book picked up after reading a favorable review on a book blogger’s site or a recommendation from a book obsessed friend/relative
- A book set in the past or the future
- Re-read an old favorite
- A book to be read on a vacation or the plot is based around a holiday (could be a travelogue)
- A free hit (choose any book you wish here)
- A book that would be a foodies delight
- A book with the cover in your favorite color
- A book with a love triangle
- WW1 or WW2 drama (could be a true story or fictional)
- A book written by a famous personality (could be an autobiography/memoir or just fiction)
- A book gifted to you
- A YA book
- A book based on mythology (Indian, Roman, greek, etc)
- A book that’s been on your shelf for more than 5 years
- An award winning book
Bonus round
- A self help book
- A book by an author whose name starts with the first letter as your name.
- An Audiobook /ebook or a PDF read
- A crime fiction
Some guidelines to pick up the books:
- The books need to be minimum 200 pages.
- You can club 2 prompts to read one book under them- this can be done only once.
- You can substitute one prompt with a book of your choice if you cant find any book under that prompt
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What to do….
Our TBR Challenge 2020 begins as of 00:00 hours on 1st January 2020 and ends on midnight 31st December 2020 (you can go by your time zone for this)
We have lined up 20 reading prompts with 4 more bonus prompts to make it a cool 2 books per month reading challenge.
You can choose any book that best fits that prompt and read in any order you wish to.
You need to Sign up for this challenge by posting your TBR for 2020 by 31st of January 2020 on your blog and linking the post up with Shalzmojo and LifeofLeo blog posts on the same (Details given below)
I will be posting my tentative list soon too – lets see what are the popular reads up for grabs for 2020
Follow & Tag us to share your monthly reads on Instagram (& any other social media handle) using the hashtag #TBRCHALLENGE2020
If you write book reviews of these books, please share them on your blogs and link up with us on 25th of every month. The posts needn’t be very long; a brief write up to talk about how and why you liked/disliked the book. We will keep the linky open for 10 days.
You could just do a creative post on social media and add that itself to the linky, but please don’t share direct links to your blogs/social media handles.
[A sincere request to read the posts of both the hosts and everyone else’s as the whole idea is to encourage a love of reading]
Now come the prizes……………..
One Amazon gift voucher worth 500/- each for 20 books and 24 books readers (It will be a random pick and will be done by 15th January 2021
Every month, the two hosts will also pick one reader and chuck a well-loved book from their personal bookshelf at you. Eligibility for this depends on your Insta share creativity, choice of the book, your review or just simply their mood 😉 [This will be done by the 15th of every month, starting from 15th Feb 2020 to 15th Jan 2021]
[Please note that the books will be chucked within India only; so if you live outside India, just share a postal address for someone who can receive it on your behalf here)
Signing up details
Follow us both on Instagram please and give a shout out to #TBRCHALLENGE2020 [you could use other bookish hashtags too] and confirm your participation. Dont forget to link up below.
If you are active on Goodreads, then please add yourself to the group #TBRCHALLENGE2020
Write a blog post to declare your participation in this challenge and link up by adding this text to your post ” Linking up for the #TBRCHALLENGE2020 with Shalzmojo & Lifeofleo ”
It would be great if you could share a full or partial book list.
Of course you can change them anytime you wish to in the year.
And don’t forget to add this badge to the posts 🙂
[If you have trouble linking up, Send us your link, we will do the needful]
So there you have it folks. I am damned excited to see you all in this reading challenge. In case of similar books, we should do a buddy read of the same to increase the thrill. What say?
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SO SO tempted to participate.
Let me go and check my physical book backlog and see how many fit in these prompts.
Also, can I share my TBR on my social handle or does it have to be a blog post?
Oh yay to hear that Shaan! You can share on your instagram and link that up with us on our monthly linky. Also post on instagram and share here on this post to confirm your participation please.
This could be fun!
Keeping my fingers crossed that it is!! Hope to see you there D 🙂
I love the idea of this challenge Shalz. Sou and you are doing a great job. I’d love to participate as I already informed you, but 24 is a big number for me. I couldn’t reach 20 the last two years. 12-14 is what I managed. I’m not sure if I could do this, but like you said I’ll love to be a part of this.♥️
All the best guys.♥️ Hugs.
It very sporty of you to take part Jayanthy when you know you wont read that many. Just sign up on the linky and tarry on. We look forward to seeing your reads.
[…] TBR Challenge hosted by shalzmojo and soumya (24 prompts: 20 regular, 4 bonus) […]
I just put out my post! Migraine has been killing me for the past few weeks 🙁
I hope the participation for this is as much or more as the #DecBookLove. I cannot wait to get started on the reading 🙂
Awww take care babes!! I just saw your post too and have been posting some more on insta andFB – fingers crossed for loads of people to sign up for this too 🙂
It need not be only physical books right?? Ebooks are allowed?
Happy to have you onboard. And yes ebooks are good to go.
Ah! I missed the linky deadline but can I still join in? Shall do it on Insta and the blog if possible.
Do we follow the prompts in order or can we pick them in random?
Hey so the sign up is now open till 31 Jan 2020 and yes you can join in.
Please read as you wish to and can pick the prompts in any order!! Blog and insta – both are fine!!
I am so bummed I missed this. In any case I’ll be reading along :-).
I am bummed about that too- let me get back to you for that. I would be so very happy to have you there too
Joining in. My signup in this post: https://abookwormsmusing.wordpress.com/2020/01/10/my-reading-challenges-for-2020/
Will share read updates on Insta 🙂
Thanks so much Vinay- looking forward to your updates on Insta. Dont forget to link them with the review post Linky that opens on 25th Jan 2020 🙂 Happy reading!
[…] any of these books? Got a better recommendation for any of the prompts? Do share. Also, drop by here if you find the prompts interesting and want to join […]
[…] on the prompt 12: A book with the cover in your favorite color from the #TBRChallenge2020 with Shalzmojo.in & LifeofLeo. P.S.: I equally love Turquoise as I do Purple (& it’s shades) – […]
Hi Shalini, Thanks for extending the deadline for this. I am signing up for the TBRChallenge2020 here https://awomanofwords.com/?p=26
Not able to add it to linky though 🙂
Hey Saumya thanks so much for joining in. No worries on the link- I shall add it there!!! Happy reading!
[…] up for the #TBRCHALLENGE2020 with Shalzmojo & Lifeofleo . Prompt #10: Free […]