For this year’s Bar-A-Thon I have decided to chronicle my ongoing battle with Thyroid and decided to call it ThyroScare. I guess you could call it a marathon of sorts to overcome this disease.
You could read my third post in the series here
| June 2017 | TSH 238 | Wt 63.5 kgs | Size S – M |
After being started on the diuretic and Eltroxin 25 mg, I began to note a change in my body composition. On one hand I was peeing more but on the other hand my weight had started to creep up steadily. I was 60.3 Kgs in end of May 2017 and by June end, I was weighing 63.5 kgs.
The other meds I was taking were B complex for my haemoglobin problem and a folic acid as prescribed by one of the specialists.
I put myself on a serious fitness regime with some major changes to my food eating habits. Monitoring the rate and distance in an app, I started going for morning walks.
I threw out a lot of food stuff from my pantry and switched to Pink salt, Jo, ragi, oats, brown rice, couscous, quinoa , etc in a bid to eat healthy and get off the unhealthy stuff.
Yup! I had been reading up on the net and making changes in my lifestyle as that was said to be one of the biggest reasons for thyroid. In fact diet and stress are the biggest suspected triggers of thyroid as per all the articles I read up in the next few months.
| September 2017 | TSH 30 | Wt 67.4 kgs| Size M – L |
My TSH came down to 30 within three months and Eltroxin dose was upped to 50 mg and then 75 mg. Subsequent two echograms showed water reduced but not gone down completely. 2nd one was done in November 2017
All this while I was battling extreme fatigue, tiredness and sleepiness. I wouldn’t wake up fresh. Started going for long morning walks but could manage two days and then be too tired for the next three days.
Menial chores like bathing, cooking, making my bed, etc. exhausted me. While this was draining on the body; my mind was caught up in extreme helplessness for I am a very independent individual and this was something I was not able to handle at all.
Add to it, joint pains and stiffness. Holding a water bottle while on the walk made my elbow hurt and other stuff like that.
Meantime, my weight was spiralling up and along with the bloating, it posed a huge strain on my existing wardrobe. I upgraded a size to shop for some clothes – one of the most unhappiest clothes shopping in my life.
| December 2017 | TSH 11 | Wt 69.9 Kgs | Size L – XL |
I headed to Lucknow for M’s wedding and was accompanied by AD who too has thyroid. Chatting with her during the journey, I came to know she hasn’t been on Eltroxin since being diagnosed with thyroid. Instead she has opted for an alternative therapy which seems to be helping. Though it had only been 6 weeks of doing it and she was still watching how it went. But her fatigue was at bay and she could see some changes.
During the 4 days in Lucknow, I bloated up to an extreme degree. We put it down to sightseeing stress, intake of rich food, etc and tried to cope as best with it. The night of the wedding, my clothes didn’t fit. I was most uncomfortable and the only one shivering that night in Lucknow. I left midway to the ceremony to rest as I couldnt sit at all.
AD was shocked and scared and begged me to try out the alternative therapy as the Eltroxin was also playing truant.
17th Dec 2017, I went to meet this doctor and began the treatment when my TSH was 10.34, I was bloated to the point of choking in my clothes and had completely stopped wearing rings/bracelets, etc. I was living in a size too big moccasins for shoes as everything else was small for me now.
My weight was now 69.9 Kgs – a gain of 10 kgs in six months!!!!

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Thyroid rendered me scared, tired and extremely depressed. Anyone and everyone took it nonchalantly, presuming I was on an X dosage of Eltroxin. Even thyroid patients didn’t seem too bothered by my symptoms and told me it would gradually subside.
This is not scary it is terrifying ! Your story almost mirrors mine and explains why I am so tired , in pain and getting fat. Eve I find it difficult to walk some days. And I used to love walking ! Can’t wait to hear about your alternative medication .
Awww hugs for that darling; it can be so so trying and draining!! I didnt know you were in the same boat as me or would have howled on your shoulder too 😉
Yes the alternative meds is the next post and that doc goes to mumbai too for not just his clinics but also to teach about it. So you can connect for both if it so interests you!
Hugs my girl <3
Thanks dear
This post is getting more informative . Thank you for letting us know despite your pain undergoing the thyroid. I hope u get rid of this soon.
Thanks Deep – yup on the road to recovery now and thats why sharing my experience to help out others in the same boat!
I hope you found what works for you by now. As a reader, I feel your pain and that journey is very scary.
Thanks so much Meena; better days are up ahead!!
I am so glad to hear this.
Darling i hv been dealing with tis nw fm last 10yrs approx…. Its end less process…hv to maintain…everything to get it worse
Your weight…check ur food…check ur mind just says take care of ur selffff…..
Awww Durrani I had no clue darling. Hope you are doing better. I have switched to alternative therapy and thats done wonders for me. I will speak to you soonest on this.
I never knew thyroid was such a debilitating illness. hais off to you for living through this and sharing your story. i hope all turns out well for you.
Yeah Suzy it’s crazy mad and depressed the shit outta me. I am just glad things are now looking up.
Gosh! This is so scary and I really admire your courage to fight this one and share with us readers. Did you switch to the other medicine? I am guessing it worked.
Yes I did Parul and it’s showing positive results along with a few other things.
OMG Shalz. This is terrifying stuff. To be caught up in something like this is pure nightmare. Kudos to how you tackled everything.
Thanks Rachna. Yeah I guess now looking back, I am not as scared out of my wits as when it had first happened. The going is getting better day by day. Touchwood!
So glad to hear that, Shalz!
You’re a fighter & a true inspiration, Shalz. I so love you for being upfront over not just educating your readers but also guiding them towards taking a call about their lifestyle changes. Nothing is more valuable than our health. Not money, fame or the number of flats & cars we own without worrying about EMI’s. What matters is how happy & safe we feel about our well-being.
Thank you for sharing your struggles, dear, There’s the best awaiting you!
Thanks so much Ash… what lovely words to boost my morale.
I am happy to share as I know it will help out others. I have come to realise how valuable good health is via this struggle and am now determined to get right back up.
OMG! All this must have been so scary and confusing. Thanks for sharing your story, Shalini. I wasnt aware of the effects this disease has on one’s life!!
Yeah Shilpa I wasnt aware of it either. I never knew how common this disease is and what horrors it holds within it.