This post has been written for the #writetribeproblogger challenge October 2017 and the prompt for today is Selecting a song from radio/iPod on shuffle and write the post on that song as a prompt
I will admit that this prompt threw me a little as I was unsure how I would treat a song as a prompt but when I put my iPod on shuffle and started to play, the song that came over took me by surprise and delight as inspiration struck as soon as I heard the opening strains.
The song is titled Coming Home which is the original soundtrack of a beautiful movie I had seen a while back and I had been particularly moved by this song a lot.
Let me tell you a bit about the movie to understand why this song affected me so much! The movie revolves around Kelly a popular country singer but who suffers from alcohol addiction and is unable to handle her fame and success. She undergoes tragedy when she falls off the stage, super drunk and miscarries. A few months in rehab till her husband-manager decided to pull her out early to do a three city tour to promote her music.
Now a recovering alcoholic, she forms sexual liaisons with anyone and everyone, abuses alcohol and falls apart at two of her shows to emerge victorious at the third where she performs this song. It’s truly the song about her coming home as she is struggling to hang onto life through her alcohol induced haze and has decided to give it one more shot. The rendition of the songs is flawless and her fans are delirious with joy to see their favourite singer back in her element.
She commits suicide after this performance, leaving a note for her lover, repeating his words that “Love and fame can’t live in the same place” and advises him to choose love.
When you see her perform the song and hear each word to understand the pain behind it, this song will be about a phoenix rising from the ashes to go roost in that one place where it will feel safe and secure.
It’s a four letter word
A place you go to heal your hurt
It’s an altar, it’s a shelter
One place you’re always welcome
Yes Home is one place where you will always be welcome and it will heal all your hurt and pain. I am a true homebody who loves to have friends over rather than go pub-hopping, loves to do up her house and feels truly rooted in it.
My home is always on my mind – whether at a supermarket or a flea market; I am always looking for something to buy for my home.
I think all of us treasure our homes and need this place to go to at the end of a long workday, a tiring shopping trip and even a vacation.
A pink flamingo, double wide
One bedroom in a high-rise
A mansion on a hill
Where the memories always will
Keep you company whenever you’re alone
After all of my running
I’m finally coming
Going home conjures up images of comfort, warmth and safety. It’s a cocoon where we let ourselves be without any judgement or criticism. Each one of us finds one for ourselves, depending on what we like and where we like it.
We may change many houses to reside in, but each one is lovingly converted into a home to live in.
We all make a home with someone special, for our children or even just for ourselves; but its a basic need we all fulfill to feel secure, safe and fearless. Rich or poor, man or animal – all of us need a home; all of us make a home!
What do feel when you think of HOME? Do you have that one place to call HOME? How important do you think HOME is in all our lives?
If you would like to read the posts on previous prompts:
- 23rd Oct – The monster in my mind
- 20th Oct – Ditch convenience to support sustainable lifestyle
- 16th Oct – Disobedience
- 13th Oct – Bated breath
- 9th Oct – Terminal
- 6th Oct – Nostalgia
- 2nd Oct – Pattern
#writetribe #writebravely
I’m taking part in the Write Tribe ProBlogger Challenge
Also Linking up with Sanch for #fridayreflections
Linking up for #wordsante with Namysaysso for every post deserves some love
Home is definitely a place where your soul can be happy. Just thinking about home can send positive signals to our brain. It’s a beautiful song for the prompt and very meaningful lines. Loved reading this!
Thanks so much Sreedeep; love the thought of the brain sending good signals at the mere mention of this word! I am glad you enjoyed the song and its meaning!!:-)
What a movie… a taut storyline and a great message! Thanks Shalini for introducing this movie.
Home is where the heart is, for me. And it thus revolves around the family.
-Anagha recently posted… Bamboozled
Oh I am so glad you enjoyed it Anagha; I found it to be a really impressive movies of our modern times as Paltrow is simply stunningly real in her role as the alcoholic singer with an amazing charisma!!!
Home is a feeling for me, not particularly a place. More so a person (s) with whom you build memories.
I don’t think I’ve seen this movie. Adding to my list 🙂
Oh this movie is just superb as Paltrow is stunning in it as the wasted alcoholic but impressive singer! Her detatchment with the world in general and how she connects with an ailing child in the hospital for whom she sings unplugged is just heartbreaking!! Do watch this movie if you can and let me know what you thought of it!! 🙂
I agree about Home being a feeling – that feeling of being safe and warm!!
Big or small, humble or tall, home will always be where the heart is! I find it amusing that after a good holiday in great location and a fab resort, I still, like you, feel most comfortable at home.
Ha ha!! I hear your Corinne; I thought that was just me as the peeps around woud tell me you are so nuts!! I stayed at home for Diwali while my parents kept calling me to visit them; I just didnt as I wanted to do the Diwali here. Its a paradox for everyone what I would do alone in an empty house!! 😉
For me home is thr most sacred places- and it’s got to do a lot with the people who are dearest to me. If I am alone like now when I am traveling and away from family I still yearn to be st my appartment reading ,writing or simply spending time alone which is more comforting than drinking at a pub. I could relate to your post my friend
Thanks Aks; I guess home is a little corner in our hearts and we always carry it there with us. 🙂
Home is where the heart is! I still yearn for my home where I spent my childhood. I still yearn for my home at my hometown. I want a home I can grisly can call my own. Hope that happens soon.
Amen to that Aesha!! Hope that comes true sooner than you think! 🙂
This was such a beautiful post, Shalz! And, I so loved the story of the singer, who battles her demons and then gives it all up!
My cocoon is my home, a place I find warmth and security. Even if I have to spend the days alone, or even the nights if hubby is outstation, I feel safe there and can stay cooped up there all day long!
What’s the name of that movie? Would love to see it!
Its called Country Strong – Gywneth Paltrow starrer!! Do tell me how you liked it..
Oh, okay! Will see if I find it on Amazon/Netflix. I hope I do! Will sure let you know, Shalz! Thanks a ton! <3
You are most welcome <3
She gave and went home or so she thought as she just couldnt cope up with the world or its manupilations!! It was sad to see her go like that but man her perfomrance rocked me to the core!!
Yup home is my haven too!! 🙂
I loved this movie and was sad when she died 🙁 Home is where the heart is, always. We make a home with our family members and it becomes our private haven for living a happy life. I just got back home after a holiday in Assam, India, and felt so happy as I entered my home.
OOOOH a holiday in Assam!! You go girl, you seem to be traveling the world at the moment! Loving your groove and welcome back home!! 🙂
There is nothing like home! We may travel the seven seas but always yearn back to be home!
Loved the flowers… too pretty!
Thanks Z- yeah these flowers really captured my heart and I couldnt resist clicking them! 🙂
I am going to see the movie. Loved the blurb you wrote about the movie.
Thanks so much Sheethal! 🙂
A beautiful post! you have captured such an intrinsic part of home! yes, i love picking up stuff for home – & love curling up in the space i call home – here i find peace & my root for being!
Thanks Ish – I hear you on this. Home is where the heart is ultimately!! 🙂
Woa the movie storyline is so depressing… I am sure it will take me days to get over it. I will look for the aong though. The lyrics is beautiful. I long for home… I need my bed at the end of the day… Yes, i believe we all want to feel secure.
Oh but the movie is brilliant Raj; the end I admit is depressing but it was kinda her finding her solace in ending her life as she was being used by her loved ones and she just couldnt cope! I hope you do get around to watching it!
Yeah. Home can offer you comfort in the most torrid of times, and that’s why we love that feeling. For me, it’s not even literal always. I find home in words too, and find them very accepting and comforting. I’ll hear the song soon! 🙂
Yup Vinay thats what home is to all of us; glad the post resonated with you! I hope you do get around to listening to the song. Thanks for being such a wonderful tribe leader and congrats on finishing the challenge! 🙂
Sometimes “home” is not even about the house isn’t it? Its about a person, an emotion, a memory. You’ve written a lovely interpretation of the song.
Thanks so much Mahak!! 🙂
Haven’t heard of the movie before but it sounds interesting. I do think home is what we make it and is a feeling of connectedness to a place.
You must watch it if you can; its just awesome! And yes home is a feeling with which we connect to a place! 🙂
Indeed the ending notes are so true. No matter how many ever houses we change each and every house transforms into a loving home! And when ever it is time to move on to a new place it feels like a part of us is being left behind!
Home is the place where you always find peace and comfort.
I haven’t seen the movie and I doubt I will because I hate unhappy endings. But I do agree with you about making a house a home. My parents sold everything in my childhood home when they retired and refurnished their new home with everything new. Now even though they have stayed in their new home for the past thirty years, it still doesn’t feel like home because it has none of the things I grew up with. Funnily enough, while growing up we moved 23 houses ( my dad was in the Navy) and yet it felt like home because I had all the things I recognised!
So tru eSunita; its the little personal touches that makes a house a home! I love putting up familair things in my house too and being on rent, moving constantly is a hard fact of life!! Its takes me a while to get it looking like a home again!! 23 homes sounds Huge!!! I wonder how you coped with the uncertainty of never staying put in one place! Does one get used to it? Does one look forward to leaving all behind?
Actually my daughters say that because I used to constantly move as a child I cannot stick to ONE activity as an adult ….. over the years I’ve tried my hand at translating from French to English, managing a business for Hubby, freelance writing , dress designing , conducting private tours in Mumbai…..
Beautiful post. I missed it during writebavely challenge, glad to caught up now.
Thanks so much Dipika 🙂
I am impressed with your post shalz:) I have not seen the movie but what you wrote touched my heart, its sad for the lady to end her life… suicide is one of most preventable form of death… it hurts the family and those surrounding them. I love the way you have written this post, for me home is where I am most comfortable- if its loving relationships anywhere I am so much at home. Yes I do love getting back to hyderabad whenever I travel for whatever reasons, I always look forward to get back home..loved all the images you posted.
Thanks Angela- this is sweet praise indeed and feel good to know that what I have written connects with my reader on the same level! Home is a beautiful feeling for me too and I think I have started feeling more grateful for it as I have grown older! I now see so many good things in it as compared to when I would diss it in my younger days! 🙂