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5 reasons why you should write GuestPosts

Guest posts are basically content that you create to be posted on websites/blogs other than yours and have a backlink embedded in it which leads back to your website/blog.

September was the one year anniversary for my blog and I had a veritable list of bloggers who complied by doing guestposts for me all month; more than 15 guestposts on my blog in that month with 5 winners!! I was overjoyed with the amount of love and traffic my blog was inundated with, courtesy the guestposts.

My take away from that month can be summed up in these five points on why Guestposts are huge for your blog. By the way, it works both ways. You should not only invite others to write for you but also write for others as well. It’s a two-way street.

Reason #1

Guestposts are a fabulous way to make connections with a good community of skilled bloggers, thereby ensuring you have a great online network. When you write a post for another blogger, they will promote your post via social media accounts, garnering more eyeballs for your content while generating traffic for their blog.

Tip: While writing guestposts, select blogs on two criteria 1) Their reach 2) Aligns with your blogging niche (Travel / food / Lifestyle, etc)

Reason #2

Writing guestposts validates your credibility for writing about a particular subject/product/brand. It’s a great way to market yourself as an expert in a particular section; be it travel /food / lifestyle, etc. Brand strategists always look out for such validated writers and it could lead to some great assignments for well-known brands.

Tip: It’s very important to know your audience and align with the blog that best connects with it.

Reason #3

Guestposts are a great way to generate SEO traction for your blog as the back link in the post ensures that people know where to find you. So folks wanting to know more of your writing style will use it to land on your blog page. This is why its best to choose your blogging niche and align it well with the blogs you write for.

Tip: Ensure that your blog link is embedded in the guest post and at least one social media handle is incorporated too.

Reason #4

Writing guestposts is a great way to explore other genres of writing. You maybe a financial expert but yearn to write fiction for fun but don’t want to distort the content of your own blog – this is where a guest post comes in handy.

Tip: Do check the fiction section of the blogger you are writing for and discuss with them what kind of story you might want to come up with. (or whatever genre you are exploring)

Reason #5

Guestposts give you a connect to newer audiences and can increase your readers/subscribers. This is why you must make sure that you have chosen your niche, blog and writing content very carefully.

Tip: Do adhere to these 5 etiquettes of guestposting too

  • Mark a link to the post from your blog. You could embed this link in any or your new posts as a suggestion to check out what you have written on so and so blog!
  • Tweet share it periodically in the day and also continue for a few days to ensure some traction from your account.
  • Share the link of this post on other social media accounts that you are active on; works good if you also tag the blogger you wrote for.
  • Thank the blogger for the opportunity and reciprocate by requesting a guest post for your website too
  • Do keep checking the guest post to respond to comments and study the traction generated by it.

Bloghopping December

In keeping with the spirit of guestposting, I am starting a blog hop on my blog for the month of December wherein I will have 30 bloggers participate in a month-long guestposting marathon. If you would like to join in, please do drop us a mail at or mention in the comment section and I will send you the rules of engagement for it.


In a nutshell the blog hop will consist of:

  1. One GP to be written for my blog and one GP for one another blog, chosen randomly from the 30.
  2. In return you will get a GP from me and one other blogger, chosen randomly from the 30.
  3. Each of the 29/30 will read,comment and share your GP on twitter and one other social media account of your choice (provided they are on it)
  4. Your GP will contain a link to one blog post of yours that you feel needs to be read more; 29/30 will promote it via read/comment/share.
  5. Your GP will contain one ASK – it could be a SEO question / graphic help / something pertaining to blogging that you are struggling with which will be answered by some/all of the 29/30
  6. Your GP will contain one GIVE – maybe you are good at graphics and offer to design a blog header for someone out of the 29/30………
  7. You will read/comment/share all of the 29/30 the whole months as and when each blogger’s GP appears on my blog and also promote it on one other social media handle beside twitter.
  8. You need to ensure your twitter handle is enabled in your shareholics.

Bottomline of this blog hop is promote guestposts and get every blogger to do more for the other bloggers who will do the same for them.

Fingers crossed for getting 30 bloggers for this blog hop!

Guestposts on my blog in the past:

December 2017 Bloghop for the #guestposts from 28 bloggers for #mymojo #wordsante – catch all the action here:

Dec 1

  1. The wanderer
  2. Shalzmojo on Wanderer
  3. Shruthi on Rupa

Dec 2

  1. Alice Gerard
  2. Shalzmojo on Alice Gerard
  3. Venice on Namysaysso

Dec 3

  1. Lavmuses
  2. Shalzmojo on Lavmuses
  3. Tina Basu on GodYears

Dec 4

  1. Akshata 
  2. Shalzmojo on Akshata
  3. Prasanna on Zainab


Facebook Comments

69 thoughts on “5 reasons why you should write GuestPosts

  1. Yay!! Would love to do a GP on my favourite blog. It was a very happy & fruitful collaboration with you in September. Would love to repeat this happy healthy relationship.
    So I am sending you a #gp and participating in 30 days of engagement.

    Just a small suggestion if I may – can have a small grp on any channel FB/Twitter/WhatsApp to keep track on posts & links….


    1. Thanks Dipika! Yes a grp thingy we will do certainly! More details will follow in the email which will reach you shortly!

    1. You have made me so happy with this comment. Welcome aboard and I will send an email with all the details by next week. Then we can figure out the topics for the posts.

    1. Oh so happy to hear that!! I will be sending out a mail to the shortlisted bloggers by next week and then we will thrash out the details for the topics and all!! Happy to have you on board.

  2. Sounds like interesting take on reasons to write blog posts. I’ve written for friends asking me to but not due to reasons such as hits…hehe You doing a great job by bringing different perspectives of fellow bloggers.

    1. Hey Thanks so much Aks!! Its nothing scary- will hold your hand through out. I will be sending a detailed mail soon; waiting for 30 to be in!

  3. Of course I am in, Shalz! 🙂
    Sending you my email id right away! It sure will be fun! Do let me know if you have any special topic to be written on by me, or if I can do one on my own.
    Pumped up already! 😀

    1. Yay!! I am loving this so much and feel so good to know I know such terrific bloggers 🙂 Thanks Shilpa; mail will be in the inbox by next week as I am waiting for 30 to be in first!

    1. Thanks so much Upasna, been long since I have seen you around 🙂 Thanks for joining in; sending details on mail soonest!!

    1. Yay!! Very very happy to have you over Keerthi; love your writing a lot! 🙂
      Will send email once I have all 30 in!!

  4. I love this idea of GP in December but I have my doubts about rule 6. I don’t have any skill that I can help other bloggers with( I’m not a graphic designer, nor artist nor anything remotely connected with design and technology). So if you can help me with this little issue ( suggestions as always !!! ) I’d love to participate because your blog is always so vibrant!
    Thanks for these tips on GP . I tried it last year as a monthly feature but only managed to get 5 bloggers to participate:( . I see where I went wrong .

    1. Hey Sunita- I am excited to have you over and yes you must take part! Rule #6 is easy and I will help you out with that. The idea is to be helpful towards others in the blogging community and create a great network!
      Thanks for the praise – I am so excited with the great response to this! I have almot 22 ppl signed up on this and am just waiting for 8 more to close it and send out the emails for the details!! Our december will rock on each and every blog of ours!!!!

  5. Those reasons are all so valid and fair. Good luck with the blog hop, Shalini! I wish you the best. Always. I’ll be traveling in December and it’s the season for holidays so may not be around much. But will cheer for you! Hugs!

  6. You make some very good points, Shalini. I haven’t done many guest posts, but that’s mostly because of my crazy schedule, which I am kinda getting in control now.

    Wishing you the best with the blog hop. I will definitely be here to cheer you on.

    1. Thanks so much Mahak; I hope you will take this as an opportunity to take part and write some guestposts! I would love to have you over!! 🙂

    1. Last night I was thinking there are no male bloggers in this hop and Voila here you come!! 🙂 Welcome on board doc- thrilled to have you over! Got 23 in so far, waiting for 7 more to finalise the details and send emails!!!

    1. Yay Varsha – we will headbang soon and have our posts planned by november end to avoid any clashes and simply enjoy december as a reading month!!

    1. Hi Raney topics are going to be chosen mutually – just no promotional posts for products /parenting/toddlers/recipes/etc – these are a strict NO-NO!!!!
      We will explore personal expereinces for travel, mindfulness, books, movies, food, etc. Hope this helps to make up your mind, I would love to have you over!!!

        1. I hope you do join in – writing is only 2 and reading is on all 30 days. You can write and send before december!!! And you get 2 posts to up on your blog too!

    1. Hey gotcha Aditi; sorry it went to spam and so I never noticed. Good of you to message me! Yay for joining in!!! Waitng for 5 more peeps now!!

    1. Hey Varad – have another 5 spots left so you are in! Thanks for signing up for this 🙂 Welcome on board! Need your email id pls

  7. I Shalz. I’d love to participate too. A few doubts I wana clear here.

    1. So basically, we’ll be reading one GP each day.
    2. I didn’t understand the GIVE part. We have to offer something related to designing?
    3. We can choose any post on our blog we want other bloggers to read?

    1. Hey Rashi- this is awesome! Reading 2 posts daily; one is the GP you will write and one post you want others to read- so all will sahre 2 posts to be read. As for the GIVE- we will discuss it, not necessary but often peeps can help out other bloggers with their knowledge and its a give n take where both benefit! We will discuss it – dont worry. And welcome aboard #28

      1. Ok. Yeah, 2 posts are doable for me. I was scared if more then won’t be able to catch up with the reading. 🙁 Thanks. Cheers!

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