Ever since I hit 40, I have become a little conscious of my health and what I eat. I made certain changes in my lifestyle to eliminate some habits which I felt were not good in the long run and added some which, well…. we shall see how they turn out to be 😉
This summer I have begun this in the earnest by make a 30 days pact with myself wherein I will push myself into a fitness routine and also include certain items in my diet to gain from their nutritional benefits. This pact follows close on the heels of a house shift and I have simply fallen in love with the lush green surroundings of the colony I have moved into.
Day1 always begins on humongous enthusiasm, no matter what the task maybe. Is it the same for you too?

As I walked back into my magical park (if you have read my #NABLOPOMO posts, you will be well acquainted with it), the path unfolded before me and I felt the Gulmohar tree in particular was happy to see me. It even stirred briefly to shower a few of its gorgeous blooms onto me.

My aim to start a morning walk is not just to get up early but also to stop and enjoy nature at its gloriest best. The health factor is not just physical but mental as well! I can be seen stopping all over the walking track to take a picture every now and then, much to the bemusement of my fellow walkers who must be muttering “Uff yeh social media ke deewaney!!”

Undeterred, I have been clicking to share on my Instagram; why you might ask am I making such a big deal of this? You see at 40+ I need some push to continue with my health regime; I need some added interest to self to do this. Call it my proverbial carrot that I dangled in front of my very own nose!! 😉

And it is working!
I may not adhere to it in an everyday mode; but my aim is to be at it at least four days in a week and I am happy to conclude at the end of week 1 that I have achieved more than that.
I didn’t go near the weighing scales at the start of this pact as I was sure that would scare me enough to munch through a few bags of chips to calm myself down (So yeah I am not on a diet!!!)
But I included the almonds and walnuts to be had first thing in the morning. I have also started with soaking fenugreek seeds and ingesting them whole with the water. (Neither are done everyday, as I can’t seem to remember every night to soak it.. But still….)
I loved capturing the antics of this very energetic Purple sunbird as it danced and flitted onto this bush loaded with flowers which perhaps had ambrosia for nectar as this little dude was going insane over it. It didn’t even seem perturbed by my presence, such was the lure of the nectar here!!
There is a patch of shaded green grass where I normally pace down to cool off and also love the sensation of walking barefoot on the grass. This little bugger comes out there everyday and am sure its a bit concerned about  me taking over his territory. We seem to be at peace so far, perhaps I should start taking an offering for this little guy from tomorrow!
So yes the Gulmohar trees seem to be gearing up for the last ditch effort to bloom as the weather turns into 44 degree Celsius; though the weather gods have been blessedly good since past two days and we have had a smattering of showers to bring down the heat a bit.

Onwards and tally ho as I will start a new week from tomorrow wherein I hope to start with a bit of yoga too. And yes time to tip the scales too, to see what the target should be like. Wish me luck!
What do you think of my health pact peeps?
Any suggestions or advise?
Questions perhaps?
Or maybe share with me your health routine please.
All the very best! I loved your pictures and I now want to see your place. So beautiful that looks.
Growing up, I was the lazy girl who would go sit and read when pushed out to play. The end result was my short and stout stature and a weak back. I think I have good energy levels and stamina. And both these come from inner energy. Trust me.
Coming back to the point, I found Yoga fun and what started with taking care of my back is not my fitness regime. I love walking and recently started to practice for 5K. No no – I am yet not running the 5K but I am using an app called C25K that helps me practice. Sort of interval training – 3 days a week, 30 mins each..
Second, tracking helps for me. I track how many times a month I was able to get my exercise, either yoga or walks/jogs. Then I compare with previous month and give my self a rating – sad, straight face or happy.
At work, I make people join with with a walking status.
Third – 80% of the time eat food that’s good for health. Relax and eat unhealthy food in moderation for the remaining 20%. I use that rule in a week. Except Fridays, I eat homemade no junk kind of food.
Last – be kind to yourself. Make health a journey and not an destination 🙂
**That’s a BIG comment** Well, you asked for it 😀
Whoa- loved your comment P! Thank you for taking out the time to tell me your thoughts.
I agree with tracking- that helps me too and I use the Nike app on the ipod for it – I love going back to check the history to see how much I have done!
I hvaent yet started to give myself a rating but maybe I should – lets see how this month progresses.
I follow a similar food rule of eating healthy most days and then binging with a few of my fav unhealthy stuff.
And yes its a journey and not a destination which is why not forcing myself into it and the day I dont feel like I , I dont go for that walk or anything else 😉 Power On!!
Keep it up lady! You are a wonderful track and I am glad I picked up this post early in the morn to motivate me too. Love the captures and the fact that you eluded the weighing scale.
Thanks so much Roma – yeah the weighig scale I will get out another day!! 😉
Glad to see this post perked you up too. Cheers
I enjoyed reading this post so much. I wish I could workout outside my hone and enjoy the beauty like you do. Those flowers and that beautiful bird… Must be so peaceful in the company of nature… Keep sharing your journey… They are a treat to read
Thanks for loving my journey so much Raj – you are an inspiration though I can never do what you have done with the yoga!! I am thoroughly amazed and impressed with your love for this art and your pics are just stunning!!! 🙂
You seem to be living in paradise with the beauty of nature unfolding before you. Great way to start the day. You seem to be doing all the right things and I’m sure you’ll achieve your goal. Keep it up. The journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step
Thanks Sunita – yeah this place is teeming with nature in the form of trees and birds of all hues!! I hope to stay on track too – lets see how far I go now 😉
Go you! Making a health pact and writing/sharing it will help keep you accountable 🙂 Love the photos you are taking. I had an off week this week but hoping to get back on the wagon. I find accountability and rewards help me stick to going to the gym in the mornings and eating healthy.
Thanks so much Sanchi- good to hear from you girl. Hope your trek was amazing. I loved the pics you were posting!! 🙂
Amen to the accountability- without it, I wont budge an inch on my own!!! 😉
Power on back to your routine too!!
Nice! Glad to see you starting a routine that works for you. I’m thinking of doing walking a little more often too. I need to, at least because I definitely think it would be good for me. Just need to give myself the motivation to do it, no excuses.
Hiya Raney – that sounds wonderful and I hope you do get to it!! Motivate yourself with a carrot stick that works for you!! 😉
I definitely need something to motivate me to really pick it up as a daily habit. I just need to figure out what that motivation will be though first.
I’ve been following you on Instagram and I must say I’m inspired. My mum’s favourite health trick is soaked Fenugreek seeds, first thing in the morning. Haven’t tried myself though.
I want to maintain a daily fitness routine, but I fail miserably and probably have only 2 good days in a week! :/ I think I need a fitness buddy to keep me motivated…
Two good days is great- atleast you do something vs not doing anything! Let tha tbe your motivator Aditi. Instead of a buddy just push yourself by tracking it through an app and pics!! 😉
All the best
Uff.. just for clicking such stunning pictures, I think I should take up this fitness challenge! It’s a challenge to me as I simply cannot get up early. 😛 Awesome!
Thanks so much Shalzz- come on get up and lets get to it. You would have yummy recipes to share too for healthy heating!!! Why not do a 30 days of healthy cooking option pact? My 30 days will actually stretch to 45 as I will have misses in between too but thats ok!!! 🙂
All the best and love your pictures. Tracking your fault routine using an app / device helps. Good luck in achieving your target !
Thanks so much Swati!! I am tracking my walk/exercise on an app – its good to push me!! 🙂
You are a very good girl….is what I will say! You are my kind…. health conscious, regular (almost) in exercising, but not sticking to a diet! That’s just how I like it, and that’s just what really helps. DO indulge yourself once in a while – eat that cake/muffin/chips/pizza that entice you to have a bite. Don’t punish your belly or your taste buds..Enjoy all that you do and eat. And, yes, it’s okay to feel lazy once in a while…our bodies require those lazy Sundays to relax and rejuvenate!
All the very best!