Indian roads never disappoint with their logic defying mind teasing sights like an entire family of eight on a two-wheeler or a truck with things hanging from all sides like slippers (to ward off evil eye) or lemon and chillies (evil eye) or even women’s hair decorations or motorcycles with elaborate decor, etc. The colours, patterns and ideas can be rib-tickling hilarious as well.

They say neccessity innovation is the mother of all inventions; true for the Indian context to the dot. This is again something we Indians excel at. Jugaadu means someone who can be innovative and resourceful and this picture below will tell you exactly why.
While on one of my many road trips, I came across this duo:
The pillion rider is sitting astride a plastic chair. So I hailed out to them on the pretext of asking for directions and then generally wondered why he was so. It seemed they were transporting this chair to someone’s house and this was their perfect solution for it.
I just had to click a picture; when I asked him if I could – this is the pose he gave me as he was literally, tickled pink and couldn’t stop chuckling.
I was just amazed at his balance on the chair since it was not tied down to the bike.
‘People don’t take trips… trips take people.’
John Steinbeck
Whats the strangest sight you have come across on the roads?
In India?
Or abroad?

Fact File:
- Laws on Indian roads vary from region to region and no this is never considered illegal here.
- Rural India runs on two wheelers and often is used to cart the most amazing load.
Jumping jiminiy J is headed your way tomorrow
For the uninitiated, AtoZ challenge is a blogging challenge wherein one has to write on every alphabet from A to Z and post on all days of April, except Sundays. Usually its better to devise a theme as it makes it easy to write the posts. Plus readers have a reason to stay hooked too.
The A to Z Challenge is created by Arlee Bird of Tossing it Out
and co-hosted by
Alex J. Cavanaugh of Alex J. Cavanaugh
Jeremy Hawkins of Hollywood Nuts
Heather M. Gardner of The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Zalka Csenge Virág of The Multicolored Diary
John Holton of The Sound of One Hand Typing
J Lenni Dorner of Blog of J. Lenni Dorner
Ha ha! So funny. I have seen such things in memes but never had the opportunity to see this first hand. 😉
Thanks Parul 🙂
I love clicking on Indian roads!!!
Ah, the Indian roads. They are never short of hilarious things like this! That man on the chair had me laughing 😀 The things that amuse me more are the quotes written on the autorickshaws. While some are decent, most of them are funny one lines are makes me laugh out loud
Oh yes Swathi the quotes on autos and buses is always so unique and amazing!!! 🙂
This should have been J for Jugaad 😉 But yes, this is so unique to India. All those memes about us and our shortcuts are so true! How is that guy NOT falling off the bike??!
Oh I did consider as a J but then I found another story that suits J better; so turned it into I 🙂
I was quite amazed that he didnt fall off!!!
Can’t stop laughing looking at the duo on bike. India is the land of jugaads and everyone would agree to this. Wonderful post and you made my day. I even like the BRO ne liners on the himalayan roads. They too are fun reads.
Hey thanks so much Dipanwita – you made my day with your lovely comment. I love the BRO liners too – they are really well thought of and someof them can be so funny!!! 🙂
LOL that is hilarious. I am amazed at his balance. And all for transporting a chair! Who would’ve thought?
I know Shantala- this was really funny for me too! 🙂
Wow ! you have an eye for interesting details !!
nice theme for a to z.
Thanks so much Pooja. 🙂
I think we Indians are the greatest people on earth. Nothing gets us down and we always find a way. Two funny things I saw were a Bullock cart driver talking on his mobile phone and the other was a bullock cart actually stopping by a petrol pump to get the air filled in the tyres! Funnily enough this was in the big bad city of Mumbai but in the days before mobile phones else I would have had a picture of a lifetime.
Ha ha ha Sunita that sounds hilarious and I wish you had some pics of these moments. Indian roads I tell you 😉 especially the spellings in English – atrocious!!!! 😉
You’ve put together some brilliant photos. I have my own collection as I live in India too. Yes innovation is the name of the game, isn’t it.
The painted horse cart wheel is my favourite.
Thanks so much Kalpanaa – these sights are just typical of our country only!!!
A big Wow for your clicks here buddy particularly the one with the chair on the bike. This is epic never witnessed any thing like this !
Thanks Roma 😉
Is that really safe? Probably not, but a very funny image!
Ha ha not not very safe but this is how things are done in India. Convenience before safety. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by
Hahaha… those are some funny clicks. Indians are amazing at Jugad. The chair on a bike is innovative!! I have seen a pepsi bottle attached to the nozzle (which is very large actually) of a hand pump in Punjab.
Oh my pepsi bottle to the nozzle sounds funny too.
I love road trips on Indian roads as one gets to see such hilarious stuff.
There is one signboard I always see but fail to click – ” Child Beer” available here… ( Chilled Beer) 😉
Haha! That’s fab! Great captures, Shalini. There is so much to Indian roads, I agree 😀
Yes Shalzz amazing things on the Indian roads esp in the rural areas!! 🙂
Amazing picture of the man on chair .Innovation in rural India is unique, and mind boggling .Loved your take on I .
Thanks so much Amzee for such a sweet compliment 🙂
Amusing… where did you pick all these from ?agree it is more Jugaad in India
Ha ha Ramya- this is the magic of road trips – one gets to notice all such hilarious things there!!! 🙂
Interesting shalini, innovations here though seem like a very normal one, they have come out of need for something
Launching SIM Organics This April
*Menaka Bharathi *
Thanks Menaka for stopping by! 🙂
The picture and the story behind it was too hilarious! I haven’t seen something like this in Mumbai, where everyone hides behind closed car windows. The most creative thing I’ve seen is people sitting on top of buses and travelling, and even that is a bit old and boring now 😛
I know M – Indian roads in rual areas are full of so much action and colour!! 🙂
Haha…Innovation at its best! 😛 Only in India could you see such things…
I know Sanchie- this was killer! We chuckled for miles after seeing this.
This can happen only in India. Thanks for sharing these pics and the story behind the chair.
Ha ha Thanks Suzy!!! 🙂
Oh! God, this is hilarious. Great pics of quirky India 🙂
Thanks Neha 🙂
This was brilliant! That chair on motorbike… you actually took permission before taking the pic! Hahaha!
Indians ARE jugadu! 😀
First rule of being a photographer – always ask to take the pic!!! This has been grounded in me by my teachers – so yeah I asked him and I guess thats why he is so blown away! 😉
This sure is one of the funniest things I have seen on Indian roads!! How about you?
So funny! Here in South Africa we also have some interesting passenger loads on bicycles! Build A Better Blog: I is for Interesting Images. #AtoZchallenge.
Thanks Shirley- please do share some of your such pics too!! 🙂
ROTFL. Such Jugaad! 🙂 Lovely and unique clicks 🙂 Loved the wheel. So vibrant!
Ha ha – it happens only in India no!!!!
Thanks for liking my post so much!! 🙂
The man on the chair on the bike was hilarious:) Glad you were able to click a photo to share with all of us so that we could have a good laugh today.
One of the funniest things was not something I saw but did. Decked in my finest glory, saree jewels makeup et all I drove myself and 6 others to my own engagement in a Santro: There were people on the road literally pointing at me:)
oh WOW!! Namy that sounds amazing – I cant drive when I wear a saree and I cna just imagine how cumbersome it must have been!! And I believe the pointing. 😉
Traveling on Indian roads is always fun. From quirky quotes behind trucks to various chillis and lemons hung outside. Loved these captures 😀
Ha ha Raj- these are amazing and make the travel worthwhile! I am glad you liked them all 🙂
Haha… I was just explaining jugaad to a friend inside the operation theatre two days ago and here it is (under ‘I’, no less!) 😀
As for why I needed to explain jugaad in an operation theatre, the less the public know the better :/
Oh my now thats scary Doc 😉
I had considered this as J for jugaad but converted it to innovation for a wider reach!!! 😉
Seriously, I love my India. Simply for the reason that nothing is impossible here. That bike man is really clever.
Ha ha Geethica- we are such brilliant jugaadu ppl na!!! 😉
Lol, oh yes the jugaad you can see on Indian roads is from another planet. Loved all of the pics in your post, especially the last one, and the logic behind it was right on point
Ha ha Thanks Smita!! 😉
Lol!!! Where did you find such innovative images? Indians have jugaad for everything around them!
Just kept my eyes open while driving Geets 😉
LOL SHalzy, The pics are super. as if not wearing the helmet wasn’t enough that he had to carry his throne!!!
Yeah Tina arent Indian roads just amazing!!! 😉
hahaa…how fantastic!