My View, TLC

Dreamcatcher – to catch a dream………


A jaunt amidst the colourful stalls at the much talked about Surajkund crafts mela this week was rewarded with a few quirky picks. Not just the traditional art and crafts of India but curios inspired from lifestyle, movies and of course the West.

Everywhere one looked, there was a rainbow of knickknacks, vibrant textiles, jewellery glinting in the sun- you name it, and it was there.

A soft flutter caught my eye. Intrigued, I set out to explore and found these dreamcatchers. Each a vivid palate of colours and textures. The small coloured feathers added that exotic touch to them and I couldn’t resist picking one up for my room.


“Do you know how to use a dreamcatcher?”, asked my companion.

Her question set me off to a whirlwind of googling and wikipedi-ing the internet. I was amazed at the information on this dainty little curio which apparently has spiritual connotations.

I had a tough time choosing one for myself amongst all these gorgeous colours.


Let me share a few points that I gleaned of on Dreamcatchers here:

  • Dreamcatchers originated in the Native American Ojibwe tribe, who believed it to be a symbol of Asibikaashi or the spider woman who was a natural protector of children.
  • Ojibwa Grandparents are believed to have woven dreamcatchers for the newborn children in the family, to be suspended above the cribs and bless the infants with beautiful dreams.
  • Dreamcatchers are traditionally made of twigs,natural feathers, gemstones, beads, arrowheads and other charms from everyday life.
  • A hoop (symbolizes strength and unity) is woven of twigs with a spider web in its centre which is said to trap the bad dreams and they die out with the first rays of the morning sun. The good dreams glide down the feathers onto the individual sleeping beneath it.
  • Each spider web has one gemstone or bead in its centre to support the belief that there is only one creator in the web of life.
  • Hang the dreamcatcher in a spot where it can swing freely and also catch some rays of the sun. (It’s not necessary to hang it above the bed; any corner of the house will do as it will bring its energy there too)
  • One can perform a small ceremony before hanging it by burning some sage and using its smoke to cleanse the home. You could also offer a small prayer to it to protect and bless your home.
  • To clean an old dreamcatcher, either smudge it with sage smoke or squirt/sprinkle some sea salt water onto it and let it dry out.
  • One can also add-on more charms and feathers, if one so desires to make it pretty and to attach pretty memories to it.
  • Most important of it all – have the faith that the dreamcatcher is going to bless you and your home with positive energy.


Wow!! This sure was an intensive research trip for me but one that I am glad to have undertaken. Though I didn’t perform any ceremony (I burn camphor daily in my house for cleansing), I chose the spot as just above my bed, in between the curtains. This is the window that the morning sun rays first strike every morning.

Sweet dreams!!!

Do you like dreamcatchers? What do you think of them? Perhaps you used one – did it work for you?

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22 thoughts on “Dreamcatcher – to catch a dream………

    1. Thanks T – wow ! making them would be something else now! If you do learn, I am going to ask you to make one for me too 😉

  1. Gosh! I’m soooo glad you wrote this post Shalzy. My older girlie has a dream catcher her Granny got from US. And they have intrigued me always. Now I so wish I had not resorted to so much bargaining and picked my piece too that sunny day at Suraj Kund jaunting around with you. Well, guess it will turn up into my life at the right time ☺️

    Thank you for these nuggets of informations I was missing out on the dream catchers. Sweet dreams babes. Over to the other side of surreal!

    1. ha ha ha!!! You are a bargaining queen , I tell you. SO pro at it. I am designating future such trips with you in tow!!! So watch out!
      And this post is a result of your comment only… I was just going to hang it as a pretty curio in my house but now I have realised hte connotations and happier about it too!

  2. After reading your post I feel like getting one soon too. Thanks for all the information you gave. I didn’t know about dream catchers and how to use them before this.

    1. Thanks Deepa- I never knew either. Was so happy to get one and then the comment made me think about it. So I looked it up and the result is the post…. 😉

  3. I love dreamcatchers and the stories and beliefs behind them.

    I was told a Dreamcatcher needs to be hung on a window, for best results.

    Hope yours brings you positivity and loads of good things.

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